

可持续性 - 2023年10月20日


迈克Geylin | 刹车报告

威斯康辛的WAUPACA. — Waupaca铸造 is again the recipient of environmental 奖 from both national trade organizations and customers.

The foundry won the American Foundry Society’s (AFS) 2023 Green Foundry Award for its ongoing commitment to sustainable production processes and energy reduction. The foundry was honored for creating a corporate 可持续性 report—Waupaca铸造 is the first independent U.S. iron casting supplier to establish and communicate 可持续性 objectives and publish a corporate 可持续性 report for its stakeholders.

自2014年以来, Waupaca Foundry has followed Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards to measure best practices for 可持续性 and hold the company accountable to self-imposed environmental goals. 这是连续第二年 Waupaca 铸造厂获得了AFS颁发的可持续发展奖.

一个跨职能团队的组建环境, social and governance reports to codify organizational objectives and targets with a goal of becoming the green foundry of the future. The report communicates environmental goals for the company, 包括减少能源消耗, 降低排放, and other 可持续性 activities beyond regulatory compliance.

“现在比以往任何时候都更重要, our customers expect their supply chain to help with organizational 可持续性 goals,迈克·尼古拉说, 总统, 威尼斯注册送38元首席运营官兼首席执行官. “Our green initiatives help our customers achieve their individual goals and partnerships like these support decarbonization goals for all involved.”

Waupaca铸造 casts 85% of its iron from recycled material and recycles 450,年铸造副产物000吨. Recycling and environmental commitments have been in effect since the 1980s but extended to a corporate-wide 可持续性 program in 2014. 

“We want to set the bar for state-of-the-art technology in the foundry industry,布莱恩特·埃施说, 企业可持续发展经理 Waupaca Foundry. “These are elective actions that we do that go above and beyond environmental requirements and energy efficiency is one of our greatest tools to affect overall improvement in our processes.”

为实现可持续发展目标, Waupaca铸造 took specific steps over the last 20 years, which encompassed:

  • 2001年:铸造厂达到ISO 14001标准, which mapped out a framework to set up an effective environmental management system.
  • 2009: The company joined the Department of Energy’s Better Plants Program and pledged to reduce energy intensity by 25% over ten years.
  • 2013年:公司建立了可持续发展基准.
  • 2014: Waupaca foundry established greenhouse gas accounting (GHG) to measure the amount of greenhouse gas emissions it produced and hired a full-time energy manager.
  • 2014: The foundry established a multi-discipline 可持续性 team and a materiality assessment test that allowed for better understanding and prioritizing of 可持续性 issues.
  • 2014: Waupaca铸造 completed a strategic energy plan that formally laid out goals, 资源, 可持续发展的关键绩效指标.
  • 2014: Waupaca铸造 issues its first 可持续性 report.
  • 2015: Waupaca铸造 submits its first Carbon Disclosure Report (CDP) that discloses the company’s 环境影响 and actions taken to reduce its carbon footprint.
  • 2016: The foundry achieves ISO 50001 certification at Plant 1, which ensures the organization has an energy management system, 减少能源消耗, 环境影响, 提高了盈利能力.
  • 2016: Waupaca铸造 joins the Department of Energy’s Accelerate Energy Productivity 2030 – an initiative to double U.S. 能源生产率从2010年的水平提高到2030年.
  • 2021: Waupaca铸造 honored by Department of Energy’s Better Plants program for a project removing humidity from air around the plant’s cupola.
  • 2021: Waupaca铸造 honored by Department of Energy’s Better Plants program for increasing energy efficiency in its air compressor system.
  • 2022: Waupaca铸造 joined the Department of Energy’s Better Climate Challenge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030.
  • 2022: AFS honors Waupaca铸造 with the Green Foundry Award for installing a dehumidification system at the Tell City, 印第安纳州的工厂, 从而显著减少能源消耗.


Waupaca铸造 has again won recognition for 可持续性 efforts from two suppliers.

Bosch Rexroth recognized Waupaca铸造 as one of three suppliers worldwide with a Top Performance Award, 卓越的企业社会责任 & 可持续性. Its 可持续性 disclosure and environmental performance were named one of the most advanced global suppliers in 可持续性.

Waupaca铸造 was also awarded the Excellence in Technological Advancement and Customer Partnership.  没有其他供应商同时获得这三个奖项.

The metalcaster also won the 2022 Environmental Award from Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Co. This is the fifth time since 2011 Waupaca铸造 has been honored with the award.

The award was based on air compressor system improvements at Plant 1, 5号厂除湿系统节省, and the installation of intelligent ventilation controls at Plant 2/3, which improved energy efficiency at each foundry operation.  

# #可持续性

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